Go User Documentation

Troubleshooting installation issues

Mac OS X

If you were greeted with a message such as this, when trying to use Go on Mac OS X:

Mac installer
  - Java 1.7+ message

you might have a Java installation in either a non-standard location or older than Java 1.7. The Go Mac application tries to find the correct Java installation to use, using this command:

/usr/libexec/java_home -v "1.7+"

If that fails, then you see the message shown above.

In case you are sure that you have Java 1.7 or newer installed, and the application cannot find it at all, then the application can be forced to use a Java installation of your choosing, using the GO_JAVA_HOME environment variable. Suppose the Go Server.app file is in /Applications, and the Java installation you want Go to use is at: /Library/MY_Java/Contents/Home, then you can start the Go Server with that Java using this (in a terminal emulator):

GO_JAVA_HOME="/Library/MY_Java/Contents/Home" open "/Applications/Go Server.app"

Please note that this is used to set the Java home, and not the path to the java executable. Usually, GO_JAVA_HOME/bin/java will need to be a working Java 1.7+ executable.