Go User Documentation

Installing Go agent on Solaris


You must be logged in as root, or use sudo or pfexec, to install Go on Solaris. Go agent also requires that Oracle or Open JRE or JDK - version 7 or above - is installed.

The installer will create a user called go if one does not exist on the machine. The home directory will be set to /var/go. If you want to create your own go user, make sure you do it before you install the Go agent.

After you have downloaded the go-agent package, run the following commands -

$ gzip -d go-agent-${version}-solaris.gz
$ pkgadd -d go-agent-${version}-solaris

Managing the go-agent service on solaris

To manage the go-agent service, you may use the following commands -

  • Check Go agents': svcs go/agent
  • Start Go agents : svcadm enable -s go/agent
  • Stop Go agents : svcadm disable -s go/agent

Configuring the go-agent

After installing the go-agent service, you must first configure the service with the hostname (or IP address) of your Go server, in order to do this -

  1. Open /etc/default/go-agent in your favourite text editor.
  2. Change the line GO_SERVER= to the hostname (or IP address) of your Go server.
  3. Save the file and exit your editor.

Note: You can override default environment for the go agent by editing the file /etc/defaults/go-agent

Location of go agent files

The go agent installs the following files on your filesystem

/var/lib/go-agent    #contains the binaries
/usr/share/go-agent  #contains the start script
/var/log/go-agent    #contains the server logs

Registering your agent with the server

For security reasons, all newly installed Go agents need to be enabled on the Go server before work is assigned to them. This prevents an unauthorized person from getting access to your source code. To enable a newly installed Go agent, do the following:

  1. Open the Go server dashboard
  2. Follow the instructions here to find the agent you've just installed on the list and add the agent to your cloud. The Go server will now schedule work for this agent.