Go User Documentation

Users API

This API allows you to control User accounts in Go

NOTE: Only Go administrator users will be able to use this API


URL format HTTP Verb Data Explanation
http://[server]/go/api/users/[user_name] DELETE no parameters Deletes the user with username 'user_name'. Note: Only disabled users can be deleted.

Return codes

HTTP Code Reason
200 User deleted successfully
400 The user to be deleted is not disabled.
401 User executing the request is unauthorized to perform this operation.
404 The user to be deleted does not exist.


  • We use curl, a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, in the following examples. Of course, you can use any HTTP client library.
  • We assume that the URL of the Go server is http://goserver.com:8153/ .
  • We assume security has been switched on, and that there is an admin user named admin with the password badger .

To delete a user named 'another_user'

curl -u admin:badger -X "DELETE" http://goserver.com:8153/go/api/users/another_user