Go User Documentation

Pipeline Group API


The Go API documented here is a work in progress. Future versions may change this API.

Config listing API

This API allows you to list Pipeline groups, Pipelines in each group, Material & Stage in each pipeline in JSON format. This API is built primarily to aid rendering of VSM for config. Hence only the information required for that is exposed.

URL format HTTP Verb Data Explanation
http://[server]/go/api/config/pipeline_groups GET no parameters List all Pipeline Groups.


  • We use curl, a command line tool to demonstrate the use of the API, in the following examples. Of course, you can use any HTTP client library.
  • We assume that the URL of the Go server is http://goserver.com:8153/ .
  • We assume security has been switched on, and that there is a user named admin with the password badger .

The pipeline configuration looks like:

  <pipelines group="first">
    <pipeline name="foo" labeltemplate="foo-${COUNT}" isLocked="true">
        <hg url="" materialName="hg_material" />
      <stage name="DEV">
          <job name="UnitTest">
              <ant target="ut" />
      <stage name="UATTest">
          <job name="UAT">
              <ant target="all-UAT" />
              <artifact src="target" dest="pkg/foo.war" />

The following command produces output specified below:

curl -u admin:badger http://goserver.com:8153/go/api/config/pipeline_groups
    "pipelines": [
        "stages": [
            "name": "DEV"
            "name": "UATTest"
        "name": "foo",
        "materials": [
            "description": "URL: http:\/\/",
            "fingerprint": "64987f67c407020dfd6badf4975421428aa5d044e0b14b3086266294b969b6a8",
            "type": "Mercurial"
        "label": "foo-${COUNT}"
    "name": "first"