Go User Documentation

Properties API

The Go API documented here is a work in progress. Future versions may change this API.

You can get the list of properties or a property's value for a given job by using the properties API.

There is no way to delete or update a property.

StageCounter is a number which indicate how many times the stage has been run in the pipeline with the same pipeline label.

List & Show

Method URL format HTTPVerb Explanation
List http://[server]/go/properties/[pipeline]/[pipeline-counter]/[stage]/[stage-counter]/[job] GET List all properties for the specific pipeline/stage/job in csv format.
Show http://[server]/go/properties/[pipeline]/[pipeline-counter]/[stage]/[stage-counter]/[job]/[property-name] GET Get the value of the property [property-name] of the specific pipeline/stage/job with csv format.


URL format HTTPVerb Explanation
http://[server]:8153/go/properties/[pipeline]/[pipeline-counter]/[stage]/[stage-counter]/[job]/[property-name] POST Create a property with value to the specific pipeline/stage/job.
URL format HTTPVerb Explanation
"http://[server]:8153/go/properties/search?pipelineName=[pipeline]&stageName=[stage]&jobName=[job]&limitPipeline=[pipeline-counter]&limitCount=[number]" GET List all historical properties for the pipeline/stage/job upto specified pipeline in csv format. The limitPipeline is optional, which is the last pipeline counter in the list and the default value is the latest pipeline instance. The limitCount is the number of pipeline instances that Go should return. ;limitCount is optional and its default value is 100.
  • You can use key word 'latest' as a pipeline counter or a stage counter.
  • RESTful urls are case sensitive.
  • Go does not support JSON format for properties API.


  • We use curl, a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, in the following examples. Of course, you can use any HTTP client library.
  • We assume that the url of the Go server is http://goserver.com:8153/ .
  • We assume security has been switched on, and that there is a user named admin with the password badger .

And the pipeline configuration looks like:

      <pipeline name="foo" labeltemplete="foo-1.0-${COUNT}">
               <svn url="...."/>
         <stage name="DEV">
           <job name="UnitTest">
              <ant target="ut"/>
                <artifact  src="coverage" dest="coveragereport.html"/>         
         <stage name="UATest">
           <job name="UAT">
              <ant target="all-UAT"/>
                <artifact  src="report" dest="UAreport.html"/>
                <artifact  src="target" dest="pkg/foo.war"/>

If you want to get the list of properties in csv for the job UnitTest with the pipeline counter '1243' and stage counter 'LATEST', the command is

curl -u admin:badger http://goserver.com:8153/go/properties/foo/1243/DEV/LATEST/UnitTest

If you want to get the history of properties in csv for the job UnitTest, the command is

curl -u admin:badger "http://goserver.com:8153/go/properties/search?pipelineName=foo&stageName=DEV&jobName=UnitTest&limitCount=100"

The quotes are required.

If you want to get a property 'cruise_agent' for the job UnitTest with the pipeline counter 1243 and stage counter '1', the command is

curl -u admin:badger http://goserver.com:8153/go/properties/foo/1243/DEV/1/UnitTest/cruise_agent

If you want to define a property, named myproperty, for the job UnitTest with the pipeline counter '1243' and stage counter '1', the command is

curl -u admin:badger -d "value=Showcase_for_I29" http://goserver.com:8153/go/properties/foo/1243/DEV/1/UnitTest/myproperty